Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I wonder at the enorminity of it all. How did I get started on this. I know that I liked making special pieces of jewlery for myself. But how did it get to this. I have started my own little business of jewlery making. People always tell me how beautiful my pieces are. So maybe I can make money doing this and support a habit for my self. I have formed a company called RRANDJS Creations. It is hard getting all of this together, Web pages,pictures of my jewlery , and my photos and egg art, andgetting them all uploaded.I like simplicity and this is not simple. But I guess if this is meant to be, then it will all work out and I can get back into crafting jewlery. I hope that my work will be pleasing to people and they will want to buy my works .
( I always have a hard time accepting the compliments that I get for my work, cause I don't always think that my work is that beautiful.)
I have so many pieces of jewlery waiting to get out of my head and into the form that they are supposed to be, that it is actually scary. I am always afraid that I will have some sort of accident with head trauma and then they will be stuck in there for ever. I hope that someday they will be compleate and the rest of the world will get to enjoy them.

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