Thursday, March 3, 2016

A Day of the Water

                                                      Pelican sitting on the dock

  I took the day off yesterday and went fishing.  First time out this year, and what should have been a good day,  did not turnout so good.  The weather was cold, with a good stiff wind blowing all day. so the fish did not really want to bite.   But other then being cold,  the boat acted good and we scouted out some better sites for next time.   I did take my camera a get lots of photos and hope to take a day off sometime just to go out and take photos on the water .

On the farm,  I have been busy getting the garden up and running.  We cleaned all the old plants out,  I have tomatoes ( heirloom of course) started in the grow shed, and are getting ready to plant potatoes, onions and squash,   cleaned up the sweet potatoes and hope to plant them again as well.
 I have also trimmed up the fruit trees and gotten them fertilized for the next three months .  I cut back all the azaleas and other overgrown bits of the front yard at the farm house and potted up some plants for the deck.  now just to keep everything watered and hopefully every grows good.

                              Well,  that's all the news from the south,  
                              Happy" farming" to all the farm girl sisters out there.
                               See you next week. down on the farm.


  1. Hi Rebecca! It is so weird how this time of year can be nice weather inland and cold and miserable at the coast. I think the cold water temperature creates different cold winds that can spoil time out on the boat. Your photo of the Pelican is nice too! Maybe next month you can find a day to return fishing and it will be warmer. Did you go over to Cedar Key? At least after fishing you can find some yummy food to enjoy!

  2. Yes, we were at Cedar key but my favorite restaurant was being worked on, so maybe next time.
