Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Not one of my Better Weeks

                                              Photo of the old barn,  about 100 years old

                   With all the rain that we have been having this week,  not only did I not mow,  but the mower is not working again.  Monday was 2 inches,  Tuesday was 1.999 inches.  Wednesday was 2.3 inches.   Ummm I am beginning to think that I need web feet. and yes it is starting to rain again.
             So  I thought ,  I need to get something accomplished,  so I will work on this quilt that I have been working on forever.  Ok.  I guess the day that i measured everything,  my brain took leave of its math abilities.  because nothing was measured right and nothing was matching up.  I have taken out more seams and reworked more squares then I ever thought I would need to do,  or that was even possible.  But finally after spending over 20 hours on it,  it is finally coming together.  I hope to have it ready for the quilting machine on Monday.  Whee!!!

          I hope to pull off getting several more done as I have a fabric stash that my mother started.  and I have quilts that I have fabric for,  just waiting for me to cut them out and sew them together.
And of course I joined up for the Christmas fabric swap.    so whats one more to do in the grand scheme of things.  :)

         I have been trying to catch photos of some of the beautiful butterflies that are visiting my butterfly garden.  but of course,  when I see them I don't have my camera,  and by the time I grab the camera,  they have flitted off.  So much for any luck there.

     So last night I was working on a decorated egg for the show coming up and I broke it.  I have no idea if I can get it back together or not.  but if not,  there is alot of work that went down the drain.
   Here is a nice photo of  Lacey, ( silver lace Whyndott) and Hawkeye  ( Americana)  out in their tractor looking for grubs and worms.

              Well,  thats all the news from the south,  
              Happy" farming" to all the farm girl sisters out there.
             See you next week. down on the farm.

1 comment:

  1. How frustrating to return to a project with hopes of a quick recovery only to find it in need of a makeover! I hope it all turns out beautiful in the end!

    Yes, we have been slogging around here lately in north central Florida! When are the weather patterns going to change and give us a few dry days in a row???

    Love the photos of Lacey and Hawkeye! Beautiful chickens !!!
