Hawkeye checking out the chicken yard
Well, I am back from Texas, and had lots of fun seeing old friends. Got to visit with my friends at the Wild West Bead Club, which I had been a member at,( well I am going to renew my membership even though I live in a different state.) Also ate dinner with several other friends one night.. and got everything done that I wanted to do.
I have been working on the farm since I got back, getting a good woodshed up for the firewood that we cut last month. it is now split and stacked under the shed and up off the ground. Next we need to get back into the pine trees and get the rest of the small volunteers out so that the others grow strong. I also need to get the vines out , That in itself is a never ending battle. But the vines can take over and really hurt the trees, if not kill them . Since this is my income I have to keep working on it.
The winter garden is looking really good. lettuce is up, along with all the garlic, and squash. The sweet potatoes are still going strong and the herbs look really good. We have had two cold nights,(down into the upper 30's), but it is going to warm up again. I pulled two sweet potatoes for dinner tomorrow, and also have acorn squash to go with it. Oh, No turkey this year, I decided on Brisket.
Oranges are getting ripe as well as the tangerines and lemons, and I think that the figs might be ready also.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends.
Well, that's all the news from the south,
Happy" farming" to all the farm girl sisters out there.
See you next week. down on the farm.
HI Rebecca~ Happy Thanksgiving and I am glad you had a fun trip to Texas! Our brief rub with Fall was a nice change from the hot days we have been having. At least it is easier to be working outside when it is cooler! The oranges in my yard are ripening nicely as well. Looking forward to enjoying them soon.