Thursday, August 1, 2013

Blue Heron


blue heron from Chicago Botanic Gardens
Hi there,
  Well another week has come and gone, and I did manage to get two beading projects done.  I am quite happy at the way they turned out.

  I took time out from my many projects to visit the Chicago Botanic Gardens.  I took over 130 photos and all turned out great.  This is one of the photos that I took.  I took lots of flower photos because that's what I love to do the most.  The day was nice,  not too hot and there were not
a lot of people there.

  I have been doing a lot of cleaning at the summer house and while going thru a box of old jewelry, I found an egg that someone had done.  It is a chicken egg and a face has been painted on it and then a hat with hair and a collar made of lace was attached.  It is so cute and of course gave me some ideas for some small classes.  I am hoping to incorporate some of the old jewelry into new pieces.  I  know that some of it can be used and other pieces are beyond saving.

I have been keeping up with taking at least one photo a day.  I will have to somehow scrapbook them all  so that I have some sort of reference as to what photo was taken when.  I can be quite slow at downloading photos from my camera, so I really need to keep a list of what I took and when.  I did finally manage to finish a scrapbook from my cruise that I took early this year.

This weekend starts the Lake County Fair here in Indiana.  I am going to spend at least one day there looking at what craft work was entered. I also want  see the 4-H projects and ,  well to be honest, I just plane want to see everything.  I am looking forward to going.  I know is is not as big as the Texas state fair,  but sometimes bigger is not better.

I am going to do some painting this week as well.  I have about 4-5 pictures that I want to paint.  Most of them are in my head, but others at things that I have seen, and would like to try that type of image just to see if I can do it.

I am still working on my eggs for the Masters Competition. I may be pushing the boundaries on what they think a beaded egg should look like,  but then again they may see what it is that I am trying to do and give me credit for attempting it.  I won't know until I enter it.  at least I like the egg.

Got a few more necklaces that I want to work on,  They involve old pieces of jewelry with some new beads added.  I need to get something like Ultrasuede on the back to help hold the piece the way I want it.

Well that's about all for now,  Keep smiling and keep crafting.


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